
الإقامات في تركيا

6 Types of Residence Permits in Turkey | How to Get ?

Residence permits in Turkey have become a necessity for most of new comers to Turkey, whether for living, tourism, study, work, or investment, etc.

Place of Issuing Residence Permits in Turkey

The Turkish government has provided 6 different categories of residence permits in Turkey. Henceforth, we will display the details of each, and the conditions necessary to obtain. Moreover, all residence permits in Turkey are issued under the supervision of the General Directorate of Immigration Management, affiliated to the Turkish Ministry of Interior.

The General Directorate of Migration Management (Göç İdaresi Genel Müdürlüğü) is usually located in a government compound within each city or region. Whereas, the headquarters usually includes a branch of the Turkish General Directorate of Security (Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü).

How to Obtain Residence Permit in Turkey

Turkey is one of the countries that facilitates granting all kinds of residence permits on its territory. In other words, foreigners who want to obtain a residence permit can apply electronically through the website “e-ikamet”. Most importantly, it is available in several languages, including Arabic and English.

Through this site, the applicants provide all personal data.  Moreover, upload personal photos, with specific dimensions, and copies of all necessary documents, as explained below.

Once the application has been accepted and registered in the system, it can be printed for submission on specific date, within a branch chosen by the applicant.

However, in some cases, the application can be forwarded via Turkish post. Consequently, you will receive a confirmation receipt message via your registered mobile number. In addition, another message after a period of time explaining the result of your application. If approved, the residence permit will be sent from the capital, Ankara, to the postal address of the applicant in Turkey.

Types & Conditions of Residence Permits in Turkey

1- Tourist Residency in Turkey

Tourist residency is classified as a short-term residence permit. It is well-known for its red color. In addition, its duration is usually limited to one or two years maximum, and is renewable.

Hence, people qualified are listed below:

  • Real estate owners and their families. In other words, owners of villas and apartments in Turkey, and their residence is known as real estate residence. However, the property must be residential in order to obtain a real estate residence permit in Turkey.
  • Investors in Turkey, and their families.
  • Patients who need treatment in Turkey, along with the people accompanying them.
  • Tourists who intend to stay in Turkey for a period that exceeds the period of the entry permit (visa).
  • Expats wanting to enroll in a vocational training program, conduct scientific research, or learn the Turkish language.

Papers Required to Obtain a Tourist Residence Permit in Turkey

  • Book an online appointment for the personal interview, at the above-mentioned online residency website, and print the application.
  • Personal photos with specific standards (biometric).
  • Health insurance, also known as (Sigorta), for people between 18 to 65 years old. In fact, it is easy to obtain, within minutes, from an insurance or service office. Moreover, prices vary according to age and the benefits included.
  • The residence lease contract, record of proof of residence, or the house’s title deed (tapu).
  • Passport copy translated into Turkish, with the translation verification from the notary in Turkey.
  • A tax number easily obtained from a branch of the Turkish Tax Department, or even online, through the Internet.
  • In special cases, other documents that can support the application. For example, patients’ medical reports.

For children under the age of 18, the following documents must be submitted in addition to the above:

  1. Photos of parents’ passports.
  2. The family book or birth certificates, translated to Turkish, and verified by the notary and the governor in Turkey.
  3. In case one of the parents was absent, a power of attorney, or vekaletname, must be presented from the absent parent, to the parent present for the purpose of residence in Turkey.

This power of attorney must be prepared by any of the Notary branches in Turkey. Alternatively, if you were not proficient in Turkish, a sworn translator will be available. Moreover, it can be also prepared in a Turkish consulate abroad, and sent to the parent accompanying the child in Turkey.

2- Work Permit in Turkey

Work permits are issued in Turkey by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. In order to obtain Turkish work residency, employees must be registered with Social Insurance Institution SGK first. SGK is the institution that covers medical insurance services for employees, in return for monthly contributions paid by the employers.

work permit in Turkey
work permit in Turkey

Nevertheless, before submitting the application for a work permit, the employee is supposed also to have obtained previously a tourist residence permit in Turkey. Eventually, the tourist residence includes the Turkish national identification number, issued by the Ministry of Interior:

Turkish Identification Number (T.C. Kimlik Numarası)

Work residency is granted to employees in Turkish companies or investors who establish private companies in Turkey. The company must employ 5 Turkish staff members for every foreign employee hired.

The work permit is issued with the same Turkish national identification number registered in the tourist residence previously. Subsequently, upon renewing the work permit, there is no need to renew the employee’s tourist residence, unless his application for a work permit is rejected.

family residence in Turkey

In the event that the father or mother obtains a work permit, all family members are entitled to a family residency, for the same period of work permit granted.

3- Family Residence Permit in Turkey

The categories that are entitled to obtain family residency in Turkey vary. They include the following:

  • Individuals who were born with a Turkish nationality, but left Turkey, and consequently lost their nationality.
  • The family of a foreign employee who obtained a work permit in Turkey, or one of the other residence permits.
  • The wife / husband of a Turkish citizen.
  • Finally, people who are under exceptional protection. In other words, those who do not fulfill all asylum conditions, yet, returning to their countries may be life-threatening.

It is worth noting that family residence permit in Turkey is valid for maximum 3 years. However, it does not exceed the period of residence permit of the person who granted it. That is to say, if he was a holder of other residency permits, such as a work or a student’s residence permit.

4- Student Residence Permit in Turkey

  • Initially, to obtain a student residency in Turkey, the presentation of the student document paper (öğrenci belgesi) is a must. It should be certified by the educational institution where the student is enrolled.
  • Normally, a student residence permit in Turkey is granted to foreign students registered in universities or academic institutions for higher education. For example, bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate.
  • The student’s family i.e., wife and children, can be granted a family residence permit in Turkey.
  • Students under the age of 18, who are registered in Turkish educational institutions, and do not have family residency.
  • Student’s residency is determined by the period of study in Turkey. It is granted for one year, and renewable according to the number of academic years.

5- Long-term Residence Permit in Turkey

  • This residence is also known as permanent residence in Turkey.
  • Long-term residency is granted to people who have resided for 8 consecutive years in Turkey without long interruption. In addition, it is issued under special permission from the Turkish Ministry of Interior.
  • The holder of permanent residence in Turkey has all the rights of citizenship, except for candidacy, election, and military service.

6- Humanitarian Residence Permit in Turkey

  • Humanitarian residency is granted for humanitarian reasons. For instance, victims of children’s rights violation, and human trafficking crimes.
  • People whose conditions of travel or repatriation constitute threat to their lives.
  • This residence permit is issued by the state authority, and with the approval of the Ministry of the Interior. Moreover, it is for a specific period, renewable according to each case.

In conclusion, the Turkish government recently has worked on a package of facilities to increase the number of government departments’ branches concerned with issuing different categories of residencies to foreigners in Turkey. Moreover, employing staff who speak international languages ​​such as Arabic and English, to keep pace with the high demand for residence permits, and facilitate communication with foreign applicants in Turkey.

Edited by: Properties Gate © – Real estate portal in Turkey.

Source: Foreigners Law and International Protection + Anadolu.