Which is better citizenship by investing in Turkey or in the Caribbean countries?
Which is better; citizenship by investing in Turkey or the Caribbean countries? Generally speaking, both are always compared in light of the incentives and advantages offered to investors. In our article today, we will explore various advantages & compare the available data together.
Properties Gate Real Estate Company has collected for you some of the most important & unique features to both options. We will also discuss multiple ways of investment, especially for the purpose of obtaining citizenship. So, let’s explore them together.
What are the Caribbean countries and where are they located?
Let’s first get to know the Caribbean countries in general before delving into the comparisons and differences between them and Turkey. The Caribbean countries are islands and coral reefs of around 7,000.
The Caribbean is located in the southeast of North America, east of Central America, to the north and east of South America.
The Caribbean region consists of 13 countries and 17 territories, including:
- Haiti
- Bahamas
- Jamaica
- Dominican Republic
- Puerto Rico
- Dominica
- Montserrat
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Guadeloupe
- Saint Lucia
- Grenada
- Barbados
- Vincent
- grenadine
- Trinidad and Tobago.

Most important differences between citizenship by investing in Turkey and the Caribbean?
First – Social Environment
The Caribbean countries are characterized by a western social environment, similar to European countries’ environments in general. Liberty and openness to European customs and cultures is very clear. In other words, it is quite different from Eastern customs and cultures.
Turkey is a country with an oriental social environment in all cities and regions. In addition to the fact that Islam is the dominant religion among the majority of the Turkish population. Consequently, you will find Turkey closer to the Middle Eastern environments, due to the common culture and history.
Secondly – Customs & Traditions
The Caribbean countries in general are not characterized by fixed customs. In fact, most of the customs and traditions are imported from the West, and mimic the reality there. In other words, customs and traditions in general are almost extinct, in light of the interest in the purely material aspect of their citizens.
On the other hand, Turkey has a long history of high-end customs and traditions that honor the elderly, sympathize with the young, support women and spread a culture of respect among all members of society.
We have directly felt this in light of our presence in the Turkish market for a long period of time. In addition to the large similarity of many Arab and oriental with Turkish customs and traditions.
Third – Climate & weather
The Caribbean countries are well-known for their warm tropical climate all around the year, with some rainfall in the winter.
Turkey enjoys a pleasant climate, followed by snow showers that add beauty to its cities. In general, most of the residential cities have a temperate climate in most seasons of the year.
We found, for example, that the climate factor was one of the reasons for Arabs buying real estate in Turkey, compared to the extreme heat in their country.
Fourth – Citizenship by Investment
Caribbean countries give the opportunity to obtain their citizenship in return for sums of money paid as gifts or investments. Moreover, the review of the application for citizenship by investing in these countries takes over 6 months, until a decision is issued for approval or not; The most prominent of these countries are:
Nationality of Saint Lucia
In order to obtain a passport in Saint Lucia, you either pay the amount of $100,000 for each family member to the government fund, or buy a property with the value of $300,000, based upon government approval.
Nationality of Kitts and Nevis
In order to obtain a passport in Kitts and Nevis, you must make a financial contribution of $150,000 to the government fund, or buy a property worth $200,000.
Dominican Nationality
In order to obtain a passport in Dominica, a financial contribution of $100,000 must be made, per person as well! Or by purchasing a property with a value of $200,000, based upon government approval.
Nationality of Antigua and Barbuda
In order to obtain a passport in this country, a direct contribution to the country’s economy is required for the amount of $100,000 per person. Or by purchasing a property worth $200,000, upon government approval.
Turkish citizenship by investment
Turkey offers several ways to obtain its citizenship, and to issue a Turkish passport within only 90 days, through the following forms:
- Obtaining Turkish citizenship by purchasing real estate worth $400,000
- Through a bank deposit of $500,000
- Establishing a company and employing at least 50 Turkish employees.,
So, based on comparison:
Which is better: citizenship by investing in Turkey or the Caribbean?
As a result, we discover that it is more likely to obtain citizenship by investing in Turkey than the Caribbean countries. That is, in light of the great cultural and social rapprochement between the Turks and the Middle Easters, Central Asia, the Balkans and the Arabian Peninsula, through a long-shared history of customs and traditions.
In addition to the easy access from Turkey to other destinations in the world through various airlines, within a few hours. That is mainly due to its medium location in the heart of the world between the two continents of Asia and Europe. Unlike most remote Caribbean islands, far away from most countries!
Investment incentives in Turkey by the Turkish government are also important attraction factors. That is to say, obtaining Turkish citizenship is completely identical with the rights and duties of the Turkish citizen, unlike what exists in some Arab and European countries that divide citizenship holders into degrees and classes.
Statistics have indicated that investments in Turkey have achieved excellent results. In fact, investors have gained eminent investment returns, some of which reached up to 45%, that is after holding the property for 3 years.
A quick comparison between the Turkish passport and the passport of the Caribbean countries
Today, the Turkish passport ranks 39th in the world, and allows entry to 111 countries around the world, some without a visa, and others via an electronic visa or upon arrival at the airport.
This current ranking comes in light of the consequences of the Corona pandemic. Otherwise, the Turkish passport has occupied the 29th rank for more than two years ago!
The passport of the most prominent Caribbean countries is Saint Lucia’s, and ranks 33rd in the world. It allows its holder to enter more than 140 countries around the world without travel visa, and the rest of the passports of other countries share almost close ranks.
Indeed, there are pros & cons for both Turkey and the Caribbean countries. However, with the analysis and measurement of the results, we find that Turkey’s positives greatly outweighed, and even exceeded most of the advantages of citizenship by investing in the Caribbean countries.
Properties Gate will provide you with the relevant real estate offers to obtain Turkish citizenship in exchange for buying a property. Moreover, we can assist in obtaining the Turkish passport for you and your family members.
All you have to do is contact us directly, and we will provide you with many suitable options that are compatible with your tastes and preferences.
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